2005年8月3日 星期三


最近,企鵝看了《沖上雲霄》后,又對連續劇沉迷了。所以,搞到無心寫部落課。呵呵~要怪就怪胡杏兒 吧!誰叫她演戲那麽棒,又長得那麽討人喜歡...我真的深深的愛上了! Image hosted by Photobucket.com
噢,糟了!我不會是變成L了吧?Image hosted by Photobucket.com 別告訴兔子哦!
兔子說她不漂亮,又很幼稚。我說才不呢!她是有氣質,而且又肯努力,終于出人頭地了!Image hosted by Photobucket.com

經過,驢子的默默耕耘了3天3夜后,我要開始追看《我的野蠻奶奶》《情迷黑森林》了!!Image hosted by Photobucket.com

除了這兩部劇以外,我列了一個清單是準備下載追看的 :《同撈同煲》,《西廂情緣》,《絕世好爸》,《下一站彩虹》,《足枰老婆八兩夫》,《樊梨花》,《一屋兩家三姓人》,還有正在拍攝中的《亂世佳人》。看來,這些戯可以讓我看到過年了...哈哈!我想,最高興的莫過於企鵝的父母,因爲,他們跟我一樣是超級戲迷!
哈哈!Image hosted by Photobucket.com

3 則留言:

  1. hey dont giv mum n dad so much movie to watch!!!
    they will spoil their health!!

  2. haiyaa,it's something to entertaint them after working so hard.
    u knw,the feeling tat whole family sit 2gether to watch drama and laugh,cry and talk 2gether very warm and nice 1 :)
    don't worry,i won't bring back all 2gether at once,will seperate into 10 episode each time ;)

  3. 《足枰老婆八兩夫》she only act abit nia.. no the main actor..main character is 郭霭明

    《樊梨花》.. errr.. i din saw her in the movie le..only got 宣萱only wor..

